Bexley Christadelphians

Light Magazine

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Photograph from Light Magazine cover of Light on Christadelphians
from Emma Perfitt Graphic Design

Christadelphian Basics

Based on the "Light on Christadelphians" special issue. This is part 1 covering chapters 1 to 3.

  1. Who are the Christadelphians?
  2. The name Christadelphian
  3. The Christadelphian way of life.

Part 2 covers Christadelphian Beliefs and part 3 covers Christadelphian Hope.

Who are the Christadelphians?

The Christadelphians are certainly Protestant in the sense that we have protested about errors of belief and practice in the established churches. We only accept the authority of the Bible as the Word of God and our guide for life. As this special issue of Light on a New World will demonstrate, our longer history reaches back to the very start of Christianity. Our aim is to show why we are 'protesters' and why we follow the beliefs and practices of the first century Christians. We will also show why it is that we are at variance with the majority of Christians today and we urge you the reader, to think about the message in this booklet. We ask you to compare your beliefs with the teaching of Christ and his apostles and judge for yourselves.

The publishers of this magazine are often asked questions like the following: 'What does the name Christadelphian mean? ' 'Why are you separated from all other church groups?' and 'What is so special about your beliefs? By reading Light on the Christadelphians we are sure you will find the answer to these and other related questions. During the 19th Century many small religious sects sprang up with new ideas and doctrines. However, this was not the case with the Christadelphians. The name admittedly was new, but their beliefs and doctrines were not. The Christadelphians were dedicated to a revival of the beliefs and practices of the first century Christians. The next section explains why the name 'Christadelphian' came into use and subsequent sections set out in greater detail our organisation, way of life, beliefs and our hope for the future.

The opening of St Katherine's Docks, London on 25th October 1828
Picture from Bridgeman Art Library

Note about Bible versions:

  • All Bible references in this issue are from the New King James Version unless otherwise stated.
  • Other versions used are the King James or Authorised Version (AV), the New International Version (NIV) and the Revised Standard Version (RSV)

The Name "Christadelphians

'Christadelphians' may sound a rather imposing name but it simply means 'Brethren in Christ'. John Thomas, an Englishman born in London in 1805, first used the name. He was the son of a clergyman and became a doctor of medicine. In 1832 as a young man, he emigrated to the U.S.A., sailing from St. Katherine's Docks, London, aboard a ship called The Marquis of Wellesley. He helped to pay his passage by working as the ship's surgeon. The stormy Atlantic crossing was so bad that the ship lost its mainmast and ran aground. The passengers feared for their lives and at this point Dr Thomas determined that if he ever reached land he would never rest until he found out the truth about life and death. The ship eventually reached port after eight dreadful weeks and disembarked the relieved passengers and crew in New York.

At that time America was full of people with new ideas and a freedom of thought that gave rise to the formation of many different religious communities, unrestricted by any form of state religion. It was in this 'cauldron' of religious activity that Dr Thomas began to implement his resolve to search for the truth about life and death. With his religious family background, he already had a foundation belief in the Bible and it was to the Bible that he looked for answers to his questions. He read the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament Scriptures avidly, learning the original languages and searching out the beliefs of the people of the Bible. He found to his astonishment, that a great deal of what was accepted as established church doctrine was not in the Bible! In between earning his living in medicine, Dr Thomas travelled widely in America preaching what he now understood to be the message of the Bible.

He involved himself in debates and addressed many congregations, finding there were others like himself who had searched God's Word for the answer to these vital issues.

Dr Thomas then began to put together his conclusions about the true doctrines found in the Bible. These were published in 1848 in a book entitled 'Elpis Israel', while he was on a visit to England. By this time his preaching efforts had led to a number of people in America and England studying the Scriptures and realising that this man had indeed uncovered original Christianity as taught by Jesus and his apostles. They became associated with Dr Thomas but they still had no fixed name although they were known in some places as 'Thomasites'. However, he resisted this, as he was not a man who sought a following or wanted to have his name associated with a newly formed religious group.

  • Elpis Israel, the title of Dr Thomas' first book means 'The Hope of Israel' (Elpis is a Greek word meaning hope).

The American Civil War

It was the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861 that made Dr Thomas choose a name for those who had accepted his understanding of the Bible's teaching. It seems little thought had been given to a name, as it was not considered to be a necessary part of their faith. They followed the teaching of Jesus and like the 1st Century believers, they simply regarded themselves as his brethren and sisters.

The war between the Northern and Southern States of America resulted in believers living in 'opposing camps' and this raised the question as to whether the followers of Jesus should serve in the armed forces. Should they obey the call to take up arms if the Authorities ordered them to do so? After much thought and by searching the Scriptures, they came to the conclusion that they had no alternative but to become conscientious objectors if they were to follow the commandments of Christ and the apostles.

  • See [Matthew 5.43,44 and John 18.36

Conscription was resorted to by the Authorities in both the Northern and Southern States and the rules for exemption were different on both sides. Negotiations were necessary with the Authorities, who would only consider the cause of conscientious objectors who belonged to a recognised religious group. The brethren asked Dr Thomas for help in adopting a name that would be recognised by the military authorities and so he set his mind to the task and decided to adopt the name 'Christadelphians'. He later wrote, 'I did not know a better denomination that could be given to such a class of believers than 'Brethren in Christ'.

This declares their true status, and as officials prefer words to phrases, the same fact is expressed in another form by the word 'Christadelphians', or Christou adelphoi', Christ's brethren.

  • Christou Adelphoi are Greek words meaning brethren in Christ.

With this new name, the Christadelphians now had official recognition in America. Dr Thomas travelled widely, even into battle zones to represent those who were having difficulties with the Authorities, but generally the adoption of the name Christadelphian gained the exemption they sought in their desire to uphold the teaching of Christ. The name was also accepted as an established religious denomination in the U.K. from about the same time.

An Apostolic Fellowship - believing the same as the apostles of Christ

For the enquiring reader it is perhaps already noticeable that the Christadelphians look back to the first century to the teachings of Christ and his apostles to see what they originally preached and to what we can only describe as true Christianity. We would hope that the circumstances that led us to adopt the name 'Christadelphians' do not divert your attention from the fact that the basic beliefs of our community are apostolic. The same fundamental teaching of the first century believers forms the basis of Christadelphian beliefs. The fact that the established churches have strayed from first century Christianity is the reason for our position today.

A Bible base Community

Christadelphian beliefs are based on the Bible's claim that it is the inspired Word of God, a claim that is supported by a substantial weight of external evidence [2 Timothy 3.16; 2 Peter 1.19-21]. When Jesus preached the Gospel, he taught from the Old Testament Scriptures. It was from these ancient Jewish Scriptures that Jesus expounded to the people of his time the 'Gospel' or 'good news' of the coming kingdom of God. It is to these same Scriptures that Christadelphians look for the foundations of true Christianity.

The ecclesia at Disi in Malawi, Central Africa in approximately 2003
Picture from David Evans Private Collection
The breaking of bread meeting — Norwood ecclesia London, UK in approximately 2003
Picture from David Evans Private Collection

The New Testament was not completed until the end of the first century AD, after Jesus had ascended to heaven. However, when we study its message, we see that it also claims to be inspired by God. The writers of the New Testament did not dismiss the Old Testament Scriptures as irrelevant but rather they expounded the message of those ancient writings. Jesus himself pointed us in the right direction when he said: "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead"

  • Luke 16.31

In this passage the servants of Jesus are clearly directed by him to look at the Old Testament Scriptures - to Genesis and the books that follow - to find the foundation principles of true Christianity. The Apostle Paul who was instrumental in spreading Christianity throughout the Roman world in the 1st Century, confirmed its basis in the Old Testament when he wrote: "And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the nations by faith, preached the Gospel to Abraham beforehand ..."

  • Galatians 3.8

Christadelphians believe that true Christianity can only be found by accepting that the whole Bible is God's Word. The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy one of the 1st Century Christians, making this very point: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

  • 2 Timothy 3.16,17

When Paul told the believers at Ephesus: "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God" he was reminding them that all his beliefs and hopes were based on the teaching of the Old Testament Scriptures and in doing this he was following the example of his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

  • Acts 20.27

The Christadelphian Way of Life

The Christadelphians Meet groups called an 'ecclesia', a name taken from the Greek word which is translated 'church' in the New Testament. The original Greek word is 'ekklesis', which does not refer to a building but means 'an invitation to come out'. As with the brethren and sisters of Christ in the 1st Century, to be part of an 'ecclesia' is to be part of the body of those 'called out'. A study of the New Testament Scriptures will show that the first century each ecclesia were meeting as groups of believers with no emphasis placed on the buildings they worshipped in.

No Involvement in Politics The Christadelphians have no connections with any other denomination; neither do we have any involvement in politics. We do not vote in local or national elections. In this respect we follow the advice of the Psalmist: "Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save."

  • Psalm 146.3 NIV

This does not mean that we have no respect for authority. On the contrary, Christadelphians are law-abiding citizens of the countries they live in. We follow the teaching of Christ, who said in answer to a question: "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

  • Matthew 22.21

In other words, we abide by the law of the land, except where it is in conflict with the commandments of Christ (for example conscientious objection to military service).

Servants of Christ

Christadelphians do not have paid ministers, or a central organisation or controlling body. We subscribe to a 'Statement of Faith' which sets out our beliefs based entirely on the teaching of the Scriptures. All ecclesias have agreed to uphold this and newly baptised members assent to it. Each ecclesia organises its own affairs, choosing members to perform various duties according to their individual abilities with the overriding consideration that we are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • see Colossians 3.23-24


The main focus of our worship is the weekly remembrance of Christ's death and resurrection as symbolised in breaking bread and drinking wine (picture page 6). This is based on the practice of the first century believers as we read for example in the Book of Acts: 'Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread' [Acts 20.7]. In this way we are obeying Christ's command: "do this in remembrance of me"

  • Luke 22.19

Other meetings are held on a regular basis including Bible study classes, public talks and seminars. We also offer Bible correspondence courses for those who cannot attend meetings for Bible study. Sunday schools are held to give children a basic understanding of what is contained in the Scriptures.


Christadelphians publish a number of books, magazines and leaflets for the purpose of encouraging and assisting individuals to study the Bible. We do not offer this literature for sale, it is freely available to those who wish to read it. Our sole aim is to present the truth contained in the Bible, which we believe has a vital message for the world today. No part of our written material claims to replace the teaching of God's Word. One useful aid to Bible study is the daily reading tables called the 'Bible Companion'. By following these tables daily it is possible to read the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in the course of a year.

Finance Our activities are financed entirely from within our own community and we do not seek contributions from elsewhere, trusting that the Lord will provide. We have no set rules for giving to the work of our ecclesias and do not practice tithing. As was the custom among the 1st Century believers, each ecclesia has regular collections to help defray its own expenses and provide for those who are in need. Members contribute according to their individual circumstances, following the teaching and example of Jesus and his apostles.

  • See Luke 6.38 and 2 Corinthians 9.7
Author Many people were involved in writing and checking this article
Country UK
Source Light on a New World special edition "Light on the Christadelphians"

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