Bexley Christadelphians

Light Magazine

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Light on a New World Magazine

Light on a New World is a free magazine on Bible topics that was published four times a year.
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These are the larger Special Editions of Light on "popular topics"

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  • We have Special Editions in stock, contact us, if you want us to post you a copy (for free).

Last Issue


on Christadelphians

Light on the Bible

Light on Prophecy

Light on Jesus Christ

on the Kingdom of God

Light on Creation

Light on the Gospel

Light on Archaeology

Light on Israel

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Regular "Light on a New World" issues

  • Listed in the latest issue first order covering the last 19 years with a brief content lists that lets you search for a topic.

Light on a New World - Volume 34/4 - released Dec 2023

  • From the editor: This is the Last issue of Light Magazine
  • Does Israel have a future? Yes, as the centre of God's Kingdom
  • The Kingdom of God and you - please, prepare for it NOW
  • Bible Questions and Answers - Who was Abraham’s greatest son?
  • Basic Bible Teaching: The Kingdom of God on Earth
  • A long way to swallow - The giraffe story
  • Signs of the times - People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth Luke 21:26

Light on a New World - Volume 34/3

  • Cooking is a Piece of Cake but the DNA of Life is not!
  • Bible Questions and Answers - Why does God allow suffering?
  • The Trinity - is not a Bible concept. part 2
  • Signs of the Times - we are in the times of "part iron & part clay": Nebuchadnezzar’s image
  • Basic Bible Teaching - Personal standards
  • Important Bible Words: Faith

Light on a New World - Volume 34/2

  • What must I do to be saved?
  • Is God dead?
  • Bible Questions and Answers: About Jesus
  • Basic Bible Teaching: Responsibility
  • The Trinity: Is it a Biblical concept? part 1
  • Signs of the Times - indications Jesus' return will be soon
  • A God of love?

Special Edition Light on Prophecy - Volume 34/1

  • What is prophecy?
  • God’s plan in prophecy - Series of empires
  • Iran
  • Greece
  • Rome
  • Israel
  • The coming world conflict and the final Kingdom
  • What about your future?

Light on a New World - Volume 33/4

  • Naaman the leper
  • Darwin and the whale
  • Signs of the times - Many strange events
  • Bible Questions and Answers – What did Jesus mean? "... weeping and gnashing of teeth"
  • Can we trust New Testament history?
  • From the editor: United Nations COP27 conference
  • Important Bible Words: Faith
  • Basic Bible Teaching: The first century AD

Light on a New World - Volume 33/3

  • Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 4 - historical evidence
  • What are you waiting for?
  • ‘Thy kingdom come’ – but when?
  • Bible Questions and Answers – the Virgin Birth
  • God as a "Father"
  • Basic Bible Teaching - Baptism
  • Signs of the Times - Denial and lies

Light on a New World - Volume 33/2

  • Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 3 - Many Witnesses
  • Bible Questions and Answers: Why do the Jews, suffer so much?
  • Comment Earthquakes and Other Catastrophes
  • From the editor: Ukraine War, How will it end?
  • Basic Bible Teaching: About Jesus Christ
  • The Kingdom of God: What, Where, When and How do we get there?
  • Signs of the Times: War in Ukraine - all part of God's plan

Light on a New World - Volume 33/1

  • Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 2
  • Bible Questions and Answers - About Abraham
  • Comment – a threefold cord
  • Signs of the Times; COVID, Climate Change & what the Bible says.
  • From the editor: Protests but God is in control
  • Moses: as a type of Christ
  • Basic Bible Teaching: God and the nations

Light on a New World - Volume 32/4

  • Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 1
  • Joseph as a type of Christ
  • Editorial: - What price immortality?
  • Comment – from my bookshelf
  • Basic Bible Teaching: The History of Israel Part 4
  • Signs of the Times: A sense of dread
  • From our mailbag: Why did God command the Israelites to annihilate the pagan nations?
  • Bible Questions and Answers: Apostle Paul’s attitude to women

Light on a New World - Volume 32/3

  • What did Jesus mean? “The harvest is the end of the world”
  • Isaac as a type of Christ
  • Living Fossils: ‘But what if Darwin was wrong?’
  • Bible Questions and Answers: Did Jesus create the world we live in?
  • Editorial: Thoughts on the Olympic Games
  • Basic Bible Teaching: The History of Israel Part 3
  • Signs of the Times

Light on a New World - Volume 32/2

  • Important Bible words – grace
  • Signs of the Times: Middle East Politics
  • What is the Kingdom of God?
  • A clear conscience leads to hope
  • Basic Bible Teaching - The History of Israel Part 2
  • 7500 miles non-stop - the black-tailed godwit is impressive
  • Repentance and Baptism

Light on a New World - Volume 32/1

  • The Bible stands the Test of Time: Who wrote the Torah?
  • Comment: "D" is for David Dorah
  • Brief Review of Light Special Issues
  • Basic Bible Teaching - The History of Israel Part 1
  • Editorial: Nezer Shlomi
  • Signs of the Times: A Vision of Empires
  • The Challenge of Depression
  • Bible Symbols: An introduction to Biblical ‘Types’

Light on a New World - Volume 31/4

  • The Second Coming of Christ
  • From the editor - The impact of the Middle East
  • Jacob’s Well and the Jerusalem Temple
  • Bible symbols - Heavens and Earth
  • Comment - Your "junk" Appendix
  • Signs of the Times - COVID-19, the Yom Kippur war and more
  • Basic Bible Teaching - Abraham and the promises of God

Light on a New World - Volume 31/3

  • From the editor - Journeys to Inhospitable Mars
  • The Philistines
  • Comment - A morsel of Brain - a marvel of creation
  • Who are the Christadelphians?
  • Signs of the times - prophecies becoming News
  • Basic Bible Teaching - The development of mankind (part 2)
  • Bible symbols - Thunder and lightning
  • Important Bible words – Godliness

Light on a New World - Volume 31/2

  • Bible symbols - The fig tree
  • Is peace impossible? - Yes
  • Comment - The perfect copy (lessons from DNA)
  • Signs of the times - Certainties and Uncertainties
  • From the editor - Virus pandemics or the Kingdom
  • Moab and Ammon - Ancient Bible Countries
  • Basic Bible Teaching - the development of mankind (part 1)
  • The Gospel - the welcome good news

Light on a New World - Volume 31/1

  • Edom - a copper country
  • Basic Bible Teaching - The Devil and Satan
  • Why does God allow suffering?
  • Comment: “now take a deep breath...” with your Lungs
  • From the editor - Many world problems solved when Jesus returns
  • Signs of the times - Climate change trouble & wars, is there hope for the future?
  • From our mailbag - When did Daniel write his book?
  • The Bread of Life - Jesus the living bread

Light on a New World - Volume 30/4

  • Bible Symbols - The water of life
  • Basic Bible Teaching - The Fall of Man
  • Comment: Bells and Pomegranates
  • The Bible stands the test of time - The Romans
  • Signs of the times - Man's political & climate mess
  • Important Bible words - Tabernacle and Church
  • From the editor - The secret to everlasting life
  • God’s Time

Light on a New World - Volume 30/3

  • Baptism
  • Comment: Escape from Great Yarmouth
  • Basic Bible Teaching: Jesus Christ
  • From the editor: Are you feeling ‘stressed out’?
  • People of God: The prophets and their work
  • What did Jesus mean? - “fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell”
  • Signs of the times: Reasons to think Christ's return will come soon.
  • The Bible stands the test of time: Alexander and the Greek Empire

Light on a New World - Volume 30/2

  • The Bible stands the test of time the kings of Media and Persia
  • Bible symbols - the Tree of Life
  • The reality of Christ’s kingdom
  • From our mailbag: We can learn from the Laws given to Moses about Jesus' Role
  • Basic Bible teaching – the Angels
  • From the editor: Light on a New world over the last 50 years
  • Signs of the times: A depressed at the world but have hope: God is in control and Jesus will return.
  • Who are the Christadelphians? - In brief.

Light on a New World - Volume 30/1

  • Signs of the times - ancient Babylon and a message for today
  • The Bible stands the test of time - the kings of Babylon
  • From the editor - Easters recalls Christ’s death and resurrection,
    and God’s plan of salvation centred in him
  • Comment - the Pride of the Peacock
  • What did Jesus mean? - “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”
  • Basic Bible teaching - The Holy Spirit

Light on a New World - Volume 29/4

  • The Bible stands the test of time: Assyria
  • Signs of the times: Perilous times, Perilous men & Environmental Threats but Poor Politics
  • From our mailbag: Explaining Jesus' words in Matthew 10.34-37
    ... "I did not come to bring peace but a sword. ..."
  • Comment: a Strong Delusion
  • The Bible in today’s world of war, terrorism, violence
  • From the editor: What does the name "Christadelphians" means and what we believe
  • Important Bible words: Forgiveness

Light on a New World - Volume 29/3

  • Signs of the times - that Christ may return soon
  • Comment: Which came first...? The story of the chicken and the egg
  • The Bible stands the test of time - Yes, those are real people in the Bible!
  • What did Jesus mean? “He who has seen me has seen the Father”
  • Thoughts from the editor - the dramatic rescue of the boys in Thailand
  • The Bible in today’s world - Drugs and alcohol abuse
  • Questions from our mailbag - "Does God have a soul?"
  • The Creation and the Creator

Light on a New World - Volume 29/2

  • From the editor - Israel at 70
  • Signs of the times: What does that term mean? Environment and Jerusalem
  • The Bible stands the test of time: The search for Sodom
  • Comment: Sir Isaac Newton and the BIG G (Gravity)
  • What did Jesus mean? "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me ..."
  • A Brief Overview of the Holy Bible
  • So what has gone wrong with the world?

Light on a New World - Volume 29/1

  • The cave of Machpelah - the Bible stands the test of time
  • The nature or character of God
  • Comment: You and your brain are exceptional
  • From the editor - the march of time
  • From our mailbag - a covering for our sin
  • Marvelous are your works: Bats - an amazing creation
  • The Exodus (from Eygpt)

Light on a New World - Volume 28/4

  • The Balfour Declaration for a Jewish homeland
  • “Ladybird, Ladybird, fly away home…” - Lessons for us
  • What did Jesus mean? “if anyone comes to me and does not
    hate his father and mother … he cannot be my disciple”
  • From the editor: The world is oblivious to the plan and purpose of God
  • The Bible stands the test of time: The Temple Mount in Jerusalem
  • God’s interactive plan - Part 2 The Divine Manifesto

Light on a New World - Volume 28/3

  • Important Bible words: Sacrifice
  • What did Jesus mean? "on this rock, I will build my church ...“
  • The Bible stands the test of time: The pool of Siloam
  • Moving a dinosaur is never easy
  • Editorial: An event of Biblical proportions
  • Destiny is not a matter of chance

Light on a New World - Volume 28/2

  • From the editor: Fighting over Jerusalem
  • What did Jesus mean: "Great is your reward in heaven"
  • Are you in the right church?
  • The Test of Time: Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas, and Jesus
  • Pottery stamp "LMLK" = the property of the king
  • God’s interactive plan - Part 2 The Ultimate Experience

Light on a New World - Volume 28/1

  • The City of David - Jerusalem
  • God’s interactive plan - Part 1
  • Our faith is Unshaken
  • We are all Jews here - The Holocaust
  • What did Jesus mean? “He who has seen me has seen the Father”
  • Rise and shine! A wake-up call.
  • The Bible and the world today - Illness and death

Special Edition Light on the Kingdom of God - Volume 27/4

  • New World = The Kingdom of God: What, when, who, & how?
    • We call this Light on the last great chapter of the human story
  • It is the central theme of the Bible
  • It existed on Earth in the past
  • Its future restoration worldwide
  • The coming time of great change
  • The kingdom of God and you

Light on a New World - Volume 27/3

  • From the editor: Thoughts on the Olympic Games
  • What did Jesus mean? “Your kingdom come”
  • What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to you?
  • From our mailbag: What happens to non-religious people after death?
  • God's handiwork: The Goldilocks Planet
  • The Bible stands the test of time: Hazor, Megiddo, Gezer
  • God’s plan in prophecy

Light on a New World - Volume 27/2

  • What did Jesus mean? "I and my Father are one"
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 19:
    Conclusion: Letters to the Seven Churches
  • Marvellous are your works! - The leafy sea dragon
  • Bible teaching about: God’s promise to King David
  • The Bible stands the test of time: Seals and Bullae
  • From our mailbag: Was Jesus forsaken?
  • Do you know where you are going?

Special Edition Light on The Bible - Volume 27/1

  • The claim of the Bible
  • How the Bible was written
  • The English translations
  • Bible Reading Plan Bookmarks
  • Can we trust the Bible?
  • The evidence of archaeology & prophecy
  • Reading the Bible for yourself

Light on a New World - Volume 26/4

  • The Bible and the world today - Christmas
  • Bible Characters: The Apostle John
  • “The merchant of death” - Alfred Nobel
  • Herod the Great - Builder, and despot
  • From the editor Terrorism a man-made problem
  • What did Jesus mean? "All who are in the graves will hear his voice"
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 18:
    The Church established

Light on a New World - Volume 26/3

  • Old Testament from the editor
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 17:
    The Church Established
  • The Bible states the Test of Time: Cyrus king of Persia
  • From our mailbag: The persecution of the Jews
  • How many monkeys make a Shakespeare?
  • Bible Characters: Abraham
  • The Bible and the world today: money in the bank or treasure in heaven?

Light on a New World - Volume 26/2

  • Christians and Politics
  • Marvellous are your works! - The Fig Wasp
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 16:
    Paul the Prisoner
  • A New World ‘with God’s help’
  • From our mailbag: What is death?
  • Bible characters: Gideon
  • The Test of Time: The Tomb of Shebna

Light on a New World - Volume 26/1

  • From the Editor - Anti-Semitism
  • Naaman the leper
  • The role of women in Christian worship
  • The Babylonian Chronicle
  • Paul’s voyage to Rome
  • “It is easier for a camel…”
  • Can we communicate with the dead?

Light on a New World - Volume 25/4

  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 14:
    Paul appeals to Caesar
  • The Bible Teaching About: Evil spirits and demons
  • The Bible stands the Test of Time: Letters from Lachish
  • Bible Characters: Women of faith
  • From our mailbag: Dress Code
  • What did Jesus Mean? “The kingdom of God is within you”

Light on a New World - Volume 25/3

  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 13:
    Paul’s 3rd missionary journey part 2
  • Israel – a nation reborn but the conflict never stops
  • Bible Teaching About: The Christian way of life
  • The Bible stands the test of time: The Moabite Stone
  • Important Bible Words: Resurrection

Light on a New World - Volume 25/2

  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 12:
    Paul’s 3rd missionary journey part 1
  • From our mailbag: Should Jesus be worshiped or just God
  • Important Bible words: Prayer
  • Joshua’s altar on Mount Ebal
  • Spotlight on Damascus
  • Repentance and baptism

Special Edition Light on Jesus Christ - Volume 25/1

  • Introduction
  • His role in the Divine plan
  • His first advent foretold
  • His early life and preparation for his ministry
  • His ministry
  • His death and resurrection
  • His present role as High Priest and Mediator
  • His second coming
  • His future role – judge and king of the world

Light on a New World - Volume 24/4

  • Now every 3 months but larger
  • “He who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one”
  • Who is God?
  • Who invented the gearwheel?
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 12:
    Paul’s 2nd missionary journey
  • The Genesis Flood
  • Humility

Light on a New World - Volume 24/3

  • What did Jesus mean? “God is not the God of the dead
    but of the living”
  • The Bible stands the Test of Time: The Tower of Babel
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 11:
    Paul’s 2nd missionary journey
  • Bible Characters: Joshua
  • The Bible teaching about The Kingdom of God

Light on a New World - Volume 24/2

  • Bible Characters: the family at Bethany
  • From the Editor: Springtime brings us such joy and
    hope for the future!
  • The development of the first-century church, part 10:
    The Jerusalem Conference
  • “Goodnight, sleep tight…”
  • Bible Teaching about: God’s covenant with Abraham
  • Between the Old and New Testaments

Light on a New World - Volume 24/1

  • From the Editor - Whatever happened to the 'Arab Spring'?
  • What did Jesus mean?: 'Salvation is of the Jews'
  • The development of the first-century church, part 9:
    Paul’s first missionary journey
  • Book Extract: Thine is the Kingdom
  • Bible Characters: Jonathan

Light on a New World - Volume 23/4

  • Editorial - Light has a new look, the world is
    changing but God's plan does not
  • Development of the 1st Century Church, part 8:
    The Ecclesia at Antioch
  • Bible Characters: King Hezekiah
  • From our mailbag: Were Adam and Eve equal before "the "fall?
  • Bible Teaching about: The Christian way of life
  • Signs in our Times - What are they and why we should study this topic?

Special Edition Light on Bible Prophecy

  • What is Prophecy?
  • God’s plan in prophecy
  • Iran in prophecy
  • Greece in prophecy
  • Rome in prophecy
  • Israel in prophecy
  • The coming world conflict
  • What about your future?

Light on a New World - Volume 23/3

  • Editorial - lessons from the God-created beautiful stars
  • The Race for life – the prize is eternal life
  • Christadelphian beliefs - in brief
  • Development of the 1st Century Church, part 7: Peter & Cornelius
  • From our mailbag: ‘The kingdom of God is within you’
  • What did Jesus mean? ‘You are my friends if you do
    whatever I command you’ (John 15.14)
  • Bible teaching about ... The Reality of Christ’s Kingdom
  • Marvellous are your works - Miniscule motors inside life

Light on a New World - Volume 23/2

  • Editorial - Thoughts from the Olympic Games
  • The Race for Life
  • Genesis - Myth or Historical Record
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 6:
    - Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
  • From our mailbag - "Tithing"
  • Parables of the Kingdom - The Nobleman from Luke 19:11-27
  • Marvellous are your Works - Birds of the Air

Light on a New World - Volume 23/1

  • Editorial - Never-ending Middle-East unrest = predicted
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 5:
    The preaching of Philip
  • Important Bible Words – Sin and Death
  • Bible Characters – Esther
  • What did Jesus mean? "It is easier for a camel to go
    through the eye of a needle..."
  • From our mailbag - "On this rock, I will build my church ..."

Light on a New World - Volume 22/6

  • Editorial - Seven billion people and rising
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 4:
    Stephen, the first Christian Martyr
  • Bible Characters – Jonah - the reluctant prophet
  • The Evolution Debate – Design or Chance?

Light on a New World - Volume 22/5

  • What did Jesus mean? "... and being in torments in Hades"
  • From our mailbag - Only the baptised are given eternal life.
    What if you die before being baptised?
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 3: Persecution at Jerusalem
  • Nations in Prophecy – Israel (Part 2)

Light on a New World - Volume 22/4

  • The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 2: Events at Pentecost
  • Important Bible Words – Faith
  • Nations in Prophecy – Israel (Part 1)
  • Marvellous are your Works - Bombardier beetle

Special Edition King James Bible 400th Anniversary - Volume 22/3

  1. Introduction to the King James Authored Bible
  2. What is the Bible? - a collection of books of different types
  3. The beginnings of the Bible - the inspired words of God
  4. Translating the Bible - from the available originals
  5. The English Translations - how we arrived at the KJV
  6. Can we trust the Bible? - evidence for its accuracy
  7. Reading the Bible - why it is important to do so and some hints & tips

Light on a New World - Volume 22/2

  • Editorial - Middle East conflict is a sign of Christ's return
  • Nations in Prophecy – The Arab Peoples
  • Basic Bible Teaching – Jesus Christ - God or man?
  • The Development of the 1st Century Church - part 1 - He has risen
  • Christadelphian Beliefs - a summary

Light on a New World - Volume 22/1

  • Editorial - 2011 a bleak year or one of hope?
  • Bible Characters - Solomon part 2
  • Important Bible Words - Hope
  • What did Jesus mean? "Let the dead bury their own dead ..."
  • English Translations of the Bible
  • From our Mail Bag: Reward in heaven or hell punishment not scriptural

Light on a New World - Volume 21/12

  • Bible Characters - Solomon
  • ‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace,
    good will towards men!’ - Luke 2.14
  • Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Zealots
  • Parables of Jesus - The Ten Virgins

Light on a New World - Volume 21/11

  • Jerusalem – City of Peace?
  • Important Bible Words – The Gospel
  • What is True Baptism?
  • From our Mail Bag - The role of women in the church

Light on a New World - Volume 21/10

  • What did Jesus Mean by "The harvest is the end of the world"
  • Christadelphian Beliefs
  • Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Sadducees
  • Bible Characters - James the Lord’s Brother
  • What must I do to be saved?
  • Marvellous are your works - Bird Navigation

Light on a New World - Volume 21/9

  • Editorial - The folly of trusting in human leaders
    rather than trusting God
  • Parables of Jesus - The Sower
  • Important Bible Words - Atonement
  • Signs of the Times - A Broken Society
  • The Bible Stands the Test of Time - The Cyrus Cylinder

Light on a New World - Volume 21/8

  • Bible Characters - Simon Peter
  • What did Jesus mean?
    "In my Father's house are many mansions ..."
  • Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Herodians
  • Marvellous are Your Works - Colours Without Paint

Light on a New World - Volume 21/7

  • Signs of the Times - Are you actually ready for the Kingdom?
  • From our Mail Bag - Which law was changed with Jesus' arrival?
  • Bible Teaching About - The Devil and Satan
  • Getting Started with Bible Prophecy

Light on a New World - Volume 21/6

  • Editorial - the real Christmas.
  • Bible Teaching About ... The resurrection of Christ.
  • Bible Characters - Mary Magdalene
  • What did Jesus mean? "My kingdom is not of this world"

Light on a New World - Volume 21/5

  • Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Samaritans
  • Bible Teaching About - The Cross of Christ
  • From our Mail Bag - baptism is total immersion in water
  • Important Bible Words - Salvation
  • Free Bible Correspondence Course
  • Marvellous are Your Works - The Gecko

Light on a New World - Volume 21/4

  • Editorial - 40th-anniversary issue of Light
    • We started the same month as the Apollo moon landing
  • Can we rely on the Bible? - The answer is, of course, yes
  • What did Jesus mean by ‘Everlasting Punishment’?
  • A Summary of Christadelphian Beliefs
  • Bible Characters – Lot

Light on a New World - Volume 21/3

  • Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Rabbi
  • From our Mail Bag - About Lucifer
  • Bible teaching about Miracles
  • Belief and Baptism
  • Marvellous are Your Works - The Spider

Light on a New World - Volume 21/2

  • Three parables of Jesus - the cross, salt, and the lamp
  • What did Jesus mean?
    "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man"
  • Bible Teaching about - The Holy Spirit
  • The Bible is Right - Divine authorship

Light on a New World - Volume 21/1

  • Editorial - There is only one way
  • Darwin’s Legacy - Has it stood the test of time?
  • Is There Life after Death?
  • Signs of the Times - Global Disasters
  • The Bible is True - The Evidence of Archaeology

Light on a New World - Volume 20/12

  • The Unknown God
  • Bible Abbreviations
  • What did Jesus Mean? ‘You must be born again’
  • Marriage – Yes or No?
  • Marvellous are your Works - the Human Body

Light on a New World - Volume 20/11

  • Editorial - Economies
  • Bible Teaching about:The Resurrection of Jesus
  • Christianity and Capitalism
  • God’s Witnesses

Light on a New World - Volume 20/10

  • Parables of Jesus - The Two Builders
  • What has gone wrong with the World?
  • What did Jesus Mean? - ‘For great is your reward in heaven’
  • Marvellous are Your Works - The kangaroo rat

Special Edition - Light on Israel - Volume 20/9

  • A 60 page special issue
  • Israel in the Past: Origin and Birth of a Nation
  • Israel in the Past: Into the Promised Land Page
  • Israel in the Present: Their Miraculous Survival
  • Israel in the Present: A Nation Re-born Page
  • Israel in the Future

Light on a New World - Volume 20/8

  • Editorial - Easter
  • Bible Teaching about - The Holy Spirit Gifts
  • Why Being Good is Just Not Good Enough
  • Bible Trades - The Tent Maker

Light on a New World - Volume 20/7

  • Editorial - metamorphosis
  • A Healthy Diet - Spiritual Food
  • Bible Teaching about: The Mediatorship of Christ
  • From our Mail Bag: "You are gods?”
  • Bible Characters: Ezra and Nehemiah
  • "Marvellous are your Works"

Light on a New World - Volume 20/6

  • Editorial: Can men solve International issues?
  • The Wisdom of Solomon - part 3
  • The promises to David
  • Customs in Bible Times: Anointing with Oil

Light on a New World - Volume 20/5

  • Editorial: The Beauty of the rainbow
  • Important Bible Words: Light
  • Bible Characters: Noah
  • Was the devil or Satan disguised as the serpent
    in the garden of Eden?
  • The Rosetta Stone
  • A Summary of Christadelphian Beliefs

Light on a New World - Volume 20/4

  • Editorial: Green Issues
  • Signs of the Times - Our changing environment
  • Bible teaching about: The Kingdom of God
  • Parables of Jesus: The Good Samaritan

Light on a New World - Volume 20/3

  • Editorial: World Leadership
  • Bible teaching about: The Nature of Christ
  • The Wisdom of Solomon - part 2
  • Important Bible Words: Grace
  • "You are my friends if " What did Jesus Mean?

Light on a New World - Volume 20/2

  • Editorial: The Total Eclipse
  • Parables of Jesus: the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
  • Does it matter what you believe?
  • Bible teaching about: The problem of suffering
  • Birds of the Bible: The Peacock

Light on a New World - Volume 20/1

  • The Wisdom of Solomon - part 1
  • Bible Course Advertisement
  • Bible Characters: Elijah
  • Bible Trades: The Potter

Light on a New World - Volume 19/12

  • Signs of the Times: Europe in Bible Prophecy
  • Bible teaching about: The Devil and Satan
  • What did Jesus mean? "Have salt in yourselves"
  • From our mailbag: Who or what is Lucifer?
  • Plants of the Bible: Frankincense

Light on a New World - Volume 19/11

  • Signs of the Times: Iran: nuclear power for peace?
  • Selected Christadelphian Beliefs
  • What did Jesus mean? "‘Seek first the kingdom of God"
  • Bible Characters: Moses
  • Birds of the Bible: The Ostrich

Light on a New World - Volume 19/10

  • Sign of the Times: The Final Energy Crisis
  • What does the Bible say about: Belief and Baptism
  • Bible Trades Page: The Metal Worker

Light on a New World - Volume 19/9

  • Editorial: Water
  • Bible Characters: Jacob and Esau
  • The Law of Moses: Sacrifice
  • Bible Animals: The Ass or Donkey

Light on a New World - Volume 19/8

  • God is there
  • What did Jesus mean? "before Abraham was, I Am"
  • Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son
  • From our mailbag: "Is one religion as good as another?"

Light on a New World - Volume 19/7

  • Editorial: "It’s a sign of the times"
  • Signs of the Times: The Middle East - Peace or War?
  • The Ten Commandments: Its relevance today
  • What the Bible says about: The Gospel message of Jesus

Light on a New World - Volume 19/6

  • International problems: World Poverty
  • Parables of Jesus: The Pounds
  • What must I do to be saved?
  • Bible Cities: Nazareth

Light on a New World - Volume 19/5

  • What the Bible says about The Devil and Satan
  • From our Mail Bag: Do you believe that there will be such
    a person and if not what is meant by the term Antichrist?
  • What did Jesus mean: "If anyone comes to me and does not
    hate his father and mother ... he cannot be my disciple."
  • Plants of the Bible: Common Acacia

Light on a New World - Volume 19/4

  • International problems: Human Suffering
  • Who are the Angels?
  • Bible teaching about: The Second Coming of Christ
  • Animals of the Bible: The Leopard

Special Edition - Light on Prophecy - Volume 19/3

  • What is prophecy?
  • The prophets in their historical setting
  • God’s plan in prophecy
    • Iran in prophecy
    • Greece in prophecy
    • Rome in prophecy
    • Israel in prophecy
  • The coming world conflict
  • What about your future?

Light on a New World - Volume 19/2

  • Editorial: Easter
  • International problems: Global Warming and Pollution
  • The Cross of Christ
  • The Reality of The Resurrection of Christ
  • Plants of the Bible: The Almond

Light on a New World - Volume 19/1

  • The Bible (6) - Reading the Bible
  • Bible Characters: David
  • The Law of Moses - its relevance today: The Sabbath
  • Bible Cities: Lachish

Light Special Issues on Specific Topics

  • With a brief contents list, which lets you search for a topic.

Special Edition - Light on Christadelphians

  • Who are the Christadelphians?
  • The Name Christadelphians
  • The Christadelphian Way of Life
  • Christadelphian Beliefs
  • The Hope of the Christadelphians

Special Edition - Light on The Bible

  • The claim of the Bible
  • How the Bible was written
  • The English translations
  • Bible Reading Plan Bookmarks
  • Can we trust the Bible?
  • The evidence of archaeology & prophecy
  • Reading the Bible for yourself

Special Edition - Light on Prophecy

  • What is prophecy?
  • The prophets in their historical setting
  • God’s plan in prophecy
    • Iran in prophecy
    • Greece in prophecy
    • Rome in prophecy
    • Israel in prophecy
  • The coming world conflict
  • What about your future?

Special Edition - Light on Jesus Christ

  • His role in the Divine plan
  • His first advent foretold
  • His early life and preparation for his ministry
  • His ministry
  • His death and resurrection
  • His present role as High Priest and Mediator
  • His second coming
  • His future role – judge and king of the world

Special Edition - Light on The Gospel

  • Light ... on the Gospel
  • Introduction - What is the Gospel?
  • The Gospel in the Old Testament
  • The Gospel in the Old Testament
  • The Gospel and You

Special Edition - Light on Creation

  • Light ... on Creation
  • Introduction - Belief in Creation an Essential Bible Teaching
  • God in Creation
  • The Theory of Evolution Examined
  • Man in the Image of God

Special Edition - Light On The Dead Sea Scrolls

  • Light ... On The Dead Sea Scrolls
  • The Importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls
  • The Story of the Scrolls
  • The Book of the Prophet Isaiah
  • The Prophet of the Kingdom
  • The Coming Age

Special Edition - Light On Archaeology

  • Archaeology / Beth Shean
  • Egypt / House of David
  • Ophir / Moab
  • Tel Mardikh / Assyria
  • Hezekiah's Aqueduct / Sennacherib
  • Babylon / Prophecy
  • Dead Sea Scrolls / Temple Notice
  • Challenge of the Spade

Special Edition - Light on Israel

  • Israel in the Past: Origin and Birth of a Nation
  • Israel in the Past: Into the Promised Land Page
  • Israel in the Present: Their Miraculous Survival
  • Israel in the Present: A Nation Re-born Page
  • Israel in the Future

Special Edition Light on the Kingdom of God

  • New World = The Kingdom of God: What, when, who, & how?
    • We call this Light on the last great chapter of the human story
  • It is the central theme of the Bible
  • It existed on Earth in the past
  • Its future restoration worldwide
  • The coming time of great change
  • The kingdom of God and you

