Light on a New World - Volume 34/4 - released Dec 2023
- From the editor: This is the Last issue of Light Magazine
- Does Israel have a future? Yes, as the centre of God's Kingdom
- The Kingdom of God and you - please, prepare for it NOW
- Bible Questions and Answers - Who was Abraham’s greatest son?
- Basic Bible Teaching: The Kingdom of God on Earth
- A long way to swallow - The giraffe story
- Signs of the times - People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth Luke 21:26
Light on a New World - Volume 34/3
- Cooking is a Piece of Cake but the DNA of Life is not!
- Bible Questions and Answers - Why does God allow suffering?
- The Trinity - is not a Bible concept. part 2
- Signs of the Times - we are in the times of "part iron & part clay": Nebuchadnezzar’s image
- Basic Bible Teaching - Personal standards
- Important Bible Words: Faith
Light on a New World - Volume 34/2
- What must I do to be saved?
- Is God dead?
- Bible Questions and Answers: About Jesus
- Basic Bible Teaching: Responsibility
- The Trinity: Is it a Biblical concept? part 1
- Signs of the Times - indications Jesus' return will be soon
- A God of love?
Special Edition Light on Prophecy - Volume 34/1
- What is prophecy?
- God’s plan in prophecy - Series of empires
- Iran
- Greece
- Rome
- Israel
- The coming world conflict and the final Kingdom
- What about your future?
Light on a New World - Volume 33/4
- Naaman the leper
- Darwin and the whale
- Signs of the times - Many strange events
- Bible Questions and Answers – What did Jesus mean? "... weeping and gnashing of teeth"
- Can we trust New Testament history?
- From the editor: United Nations COP27 conference
- Important Bible Words: Faith
- Basic Bible Teaching: The first century AD
Light on a New World - Volume 33/3
- Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 4 - historical evidence
- What are you waiting for?
- ‘Thy kingdom come’ – but when?
- Bible Questions and Answers – the Virgin Birth
- God as a "Father"
- Basic Bible Teaching - Baptism
- Signs of the Times - Denial and lies
Light on a New World - Volume 33/2
- Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 3 - Many Witnesses
- Bible Questions and Answers: Why do the Jews, suffer so much?
- Comment Earthquakes and Other Catastrophes
- From the editor: Ukraine War, How will it end?
- Basic Bible Teaching: About Jesus Christ
- The Kingdom of God: What, Where, When and How do we get there?
- Signs of the Times: War in Ukraine - all part of God's plan
Light on a New World - Volume 33/1
- Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 2
- Bible Questions and Answers - About Abraham
- Comment – a threefold cord
- Signs of the Times; COVID, Climate Change & what the Bible says.
- From the editor: Protests but God is in control
- Moses: as a type of Christ
- Basic Bible Teaching: God and the nations
Light on a New World - Volume 32/4
- Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: part 1
- Joseph as a type of Christ
- Editorial: - What price immortality?
- Comment – from my bookshelf
- Basic Bible Teaching: The History of Israel Part 4
- Signs of the Times: A sense of dread
- From our mailbag: Why did God command the Israelites to annihilate the pagan nations?
- Bible Questions and Answers: Apostle Paul’s attitude to women
Light on a New World - Volume 32/3
- What did Jesus mean? “The harvest is the end of the world”
- Isaac as a type of Christ
- Living Fossils: ‘But what if Darwin was wrong?’
- Bible Questions and Answers: Did Jesus create the world we live in?
- Editorial: Thoughts on the Olympic Games
- Basic Bible Teaching: The History of Israel Part 3
- Signs of the Times
Light on a New World - Volume 32/2
- Important Bible words – grace
- Signs of the Times: Middle East Politics
- What is the Kingdom of God?
- A clear conscience leads to hope
- Basic Bible Teaching - The History of Israel Part 2
- 7500 miles non-stop - the black-tailed godwit is impressive
- Repentance and Baptism
Light on a New World - Volume 32/1
- The Bible stands the Test of Time: Who wrote the Torah?
- Comment: "D" is for David Dorah
- Brief Review of Light Special Issues
- Basic Bible Teaching - The History of Israel Part 1
- Editorial: Nezer Shlomi
- Signs of the Times: A Vision of Empires
- The Challenge of Depression
- Bible Symbols: An introduction to Biblical ‘Types’
Light on a New World - Volume 31/4
- The Second Coming of Christ
- From the editor - The impact of the Middle East
- Jacob’s Well and the Jerusalem Temple
- Bible symbols - Heavens and Earth
- Comment - Your "junk" Appendix
- Signs of the Times - COVID-19, the Yom Kippur war and more
- Basic Bible Teaching - Abraham and the promises of God
Light on a New World - Volume 31/3
- From the editor - Journeys to Inhospitable Mars
- The Philistines
- Comment - A morsel of Brain - a marvel of creation
- Who are the Christadelphians?
- Signs of the times - prophecies becoming News
- Basic Bible Teaching - The development of mankind (part 2)
- Bible symbols - Thunder and lightning
- Important Bible words – Godliness
Light on a New World - Volume 31/2
- Bible symbols - The fig tree
- Is peace impossible? - Yes
- Comment - The perfect copy (lessons from DNA)
- Signs of the times - Certainties and Uncertainties
- From the editor - Virus pandemics or the Kingdom
- Moab and Ammon - Ancient Bible Countries
- Basic Bible Teaching - the development of mankind (part 1)
- The Gospel - the welcome good news
Light on a New World - Volume 31/1
- Edom - a copper country
- Basic Bible Teaching - The Devil and Satan
- Why does God allow suffering?
- Comment: “now take a deep breath...” with your Lungs
- From the editor - Many world problems solved when Jesus returns
- Signs of the times - Climate change trouble & wars, is there hope for the future?
- From our mailbag - When did Daniel write his book?
- The Bread of Life - Jesus the living bread
Light on a New World - Volume 30/4
- Bible Symbols - The water of life
- Basic Bible Teaching - The Fall of Man
- Comment: Bells and Pomegranates
- The Bible stands the test of time - The Romans
- Signs of the times - Man's political & climate mess
- Important Bible words - Tabernacle and Church
- From the editor - The secret to everlasting life
- God’s Time
Light on a New World - Volume 30/3
- Baptism
- Comment: Escape from Great Yarmouth
- Basic Bible Teaching: Jesus Christ
- From the editor: Are you feeling ‘stressed out’?
- People of God: The prophets and their work
- What did Jesus mean? - “fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell”
- Signs of the times: Reasons to think Christ's return will come soon.
- The Bible stands the test of time: Alexander and the Greek Empire
Light on a New World - Volume 30/2
- The Bible stands the test of time the kings of Media and Persia
- Bible symbols - the Tree of Life
- The reality of Christ’s kingdom
- From our mailbag: We can learn from the Laws given to Moses about Jesus' Role
- Basic Bible teaching – the Angels
- From the editor: Light on a New world over the last 50 years
- Signs of the times: A depressed at the world but have hope: God is in control and Jesus will return.
- Who are the Christadelphians? - In brief.
Light on a New World - Volume 30/1
- Signs of the times - ancient Babylon and a message for today
- The Bible stands the test of time - the kings of Babylon
- From the editor - Easters recalls Christ’s death and resurrection,
and God’s plan of salvation centred in him
- Comment - the Pride of the Peacock
- What did Jesus mean? - “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”
- Basic Bible teaching - The Holy Spirit
Light on a New World - Volume 29/4
- The Bible stands the test of time: Assyria
- Signs of the times: Perilous times, Perilous men & Environmental Threats but Poor Politics
- From our mailbag: Explaining Jesus' words in Matthew 10.34-37
... "I did not come to bring peace but a sword. ..."
- Comment: a Strong Delusion
- The Bible in today’s world of war, terrorism, violence
- From the editor: What does the name "Christadelphians" means and what we believe
- Important Bible words: Forgiveness
Light on a New World - Volume 29/3
- Signs of the times - that Christ may return soon
- Comment: Which came first...? The story of the chicken and the egg
- The Bible stands the test of time - Yes, those are real people in the Bible!
- What did Jesus mean? “He who has seen me has seen the Father”
- Thoughts from the editor - the dramatic rescue of the boys in Thailand
- The Bible in today’s world - Drugs and alcohol abuse
- Questions from our mailbag - "Does God have a soul?"
- The Creation and the Creator
Light on a New World - Volume 29/2
- From the editor - Israel at 70
- Signs of the times: What does that term mean? Environment and Jerusalem
- The Bible stands the test of time: The search for Sodom
- Comment: Sir Isaac Newton and the BIG G (Gravity)
- What did Jesus mean? "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me ..."
- A Brief Overview of the Holy Bible
- So what has gone wrong with the world?
Light on a New World - Volume 29/1
- The cave of Machpelah - the Bible stands the test of time
- The nature or character of God
- Comment: You and your brain are exceptional
- From the editor - the march of time
- From our mailbag - a covering for our sin
- Marvelous are your works: Bats - an amazing creation
- The Exodus (from Eygpt)
Light on a New World - Volume 28/4
- The Balfour Declaration for a Jewish homeland
- “Ladybird, Ladybird, fly away home…” - Lessons for us
- What did Jesus mean? “if anyone comes to me and does not
hate his father and mother … he cannot be my disciple”
- From the editor: The world is oblivious to the plan and purpose of God
- The Bible stands the test of time: The Temple Mount in Jerusalem
- God’s interactive plan - Part 2 The Divine Manifesto
Light on a New World - Volume 28/3
- Important Bible words: Sacrifice
- What did Jesus mean? "on this rock, I will build my church ...“
- The Bible stands the test of time: The pool of Siloam
- Moving a dinosaur is never easy
- Editorial: An event of Biblical proportions
- Destiny is not a matter of chance
Light on a New World - Volume 28/2
- From the editor: Fighting over Jerusalem
- What did Jesus mean: "Great is your reward in heaven"
- Are you in the right church?
- The Test of Time: Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas, and Jesus
- Pottery stamp "LMLK" = the property of the king
- God’s interactive plan - Part 2 The Ultimate Experience
Light on a New World - Volume 28/1
- The City of David - Jerusalem
- God’s interactive plan - Part 1
- Our faith is Unshaken
- We are all Jews here - The Holocaust
- What did Jesus mean? “He who has seen me has seen the Father”
- Rise and shine! A wake-up call.
- The Bible and the world today - Illness and death
Special Edition Light on the Kingdom of God - Volume 27/4
- New World = The Kingdom of God: What, when, who, & how?
- We call this Light on the last great chapter of the human story
- It is the central theme of the Bible
- It existed on Earth in the past
- Its future restoration worldwide
- The coming time of great change
- The kingdom of God and you
Light on a New World - Volume 27/3
- From the editor: Thoughts on the Olympic Games
- What did Jesus mean? “Your kingdom come”
- What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to you?
- From our mailbag: What happens to non-religious people after death?
- God's handiwork: The Goldilocks Planet
- The Bible stands the test of time: Hazor, Megiddo, Gezer
- God’s plan in prophecy
Light on a New World - Volume 27/2
- What did Jesus mean? "I and my Father are one"
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 19:
Conclusion: Letters to the Seven Churches
- Marvellous are your works! - The leafy sea dragon
- Bible teaching about: God’s promise to King David
- The Bible stands the test of time: Seals and Bullae
- From our mailbag: Was Jesus forsaken?
- Do you know where you are going?
Special Edition Light on The Bible - Volume 27/1
- The claim of the Bible
- How the Bible was written
- The English translations
- Bible Reading Plan Bookmarks
- Can we trust the Bible?
- The evidence of archaeology & prophecy
- Reading the Bible for yourself
Light on a New World - Volume 26/4
- The Bible and the world today - Christmas
- Bible Characters: The Apostle John
- “The merchant of death” - Alfred Nobel
- Herod the Great - Builder, and despot
- From the editor Terrorism a man-made problem
- What did Jesus mean? "All who are in the graves will hear his voice"
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 18:
The Church established
Light on a New World - Volume 26/3
- Old Testament from the editor
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 17:
The Church Established
- The Bible states the Test of Time: Cyrus king of Persia
- From our mailbag: The persecution of the Jews
- How many monkeys make a Shakespeare?
- Bible Characters: Abraham
- The Bible and the world today: money in the bank or treasure in heaven?
Light on a New World - Volume 26/2
- Christians and Politics
- Marvellous are your works! - The Fig Wasp
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 16:
Paul the Prisoner
- A New World ‘with God’s help’
- From our mailbag: What is death?
- Bible characters: Gideon
- The Test of Time: The Tomb of Shebna
Light on a New World - Volume 26/1
- From the Editor - Anti-Semitism
- Naaman the leper
- The role of women in Christian worship
- The Babylonian Chronicle
- Paul’s voyage to Rome
- “It is easier for a camel…”
- Can we communicate with the dead?
Light on a New World - Volume 25/4
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 14:
Paul appeals to Caesar
- The Bible Teaching About: Evil spirits and demons
- The Bible stands the Test of Time: Letters from Lachish
- Bible Characters: Women of faith
- From our mailbag: Dress Code
- What did Jesus Mean? “The kingdom of God is within you”
Light on a New World - Volume 25/3
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 13:
Paul’s 3rd missionary journey part 2
- Israel – a nation reborn but the conflict never stops
- Bible Teaching About: The Christian way of life
- The Bible stands the test of time: The Moabite Stone
- Important Bible Words: Resurrection
Light on a New World - Volume 25/2
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 12:
Paul’s 3rd missionary journey part 1
- From our mailbag: Should Jesus be worshiped or just God
- Important Bible words: Prayer
- Joshua’s altar on Mount Ebal
- Spotlight on Damascus
- Repentance and baptism
Special Edition Light on Jesus Christ - Volume 25/1
- Introduction
- His role in the Divine plan
- His first advent foretold
- His early life and preparation for his ministry
- His ministry
- His death and resurrection
- His present role as High Priest and Mediator
- His second coming
- His future role – judge and king of the world
Light on a New World - Volume 24/4
- Now every 3 months but larger
- “He who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one”
- Who is God?
- Who invented the gearwheel?
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 12:
Paul’s 2nd missionary journey
- The Genesis Flood
- Humility
Light on a New World - Volume 24/3
- What did Jesus mean? “God is not the God of the dead
but of the living”
- The Bible stands the Test of Time: The Tower of Babel
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 11:
Paul’s 2nd missionary journey
- Bible Characters: Joshua
- The Bible teaching about The Kingdom of God
Light on a New World - Volume 24/2
- Bible Characters: the family at Bethany
- From the Editor: Springtime brings us such joy and
hope for the future!
- The development of the first-century church, part 10:
The Jerusalem Conference
- “Goodnight, sleep tight…”
- Bible Teaching about: God’s covenant with Abraham
- Between the Old and New Testaments
Light on a New World - Volume 24/1
- From the Editor - Whatever happened to the 'Arab Spring'?
- What did Jesus mean?: 'Salvation is of the Jews'
- The development of the first-century church, part 9:
Paul’s first missionary journey
- Book Extract: Thine is the Kingdom
- Bible Characters: Jonathan
Light on a New World - Volume 23/4
- Editorial - Light has a new look, the world is
changing but God's plan does not
- Development of the 1st Century Church, part 8:
The Ecclesia at Antioch
- Bible Characters: King Hezekiah
- From our mailbag: Were Adam and Eve equal before "the "fall?
- Bible Teaching about: The Christian way of life
- Signs in our Times - What are they and why we should study this topic?
Special Edition Light on Bible Prophecy
- What is Prophecy?
- God’s plan in prophecy
- Iran in prophecy
- Greece in prophecy
- Rome in prophecy
- Israel in prophecy
- The coming world conflict
- What about your future?
Light on a New World - Volume 23/3
- Editorial - lessons from the God-created beautiful stars
- The Race for life – the prize is eternal life
- Christadelphian beliefs - in brief
- Development of the 1st Century Church, part 7: Peter & Cornelius
- From our mailbag: ‘The kingdom of God is within you’
- What did Jesus mean? ‘You are my friends if you do
whatever I command you’ (John 15.14)
- Bible teaching about ... The Reality of Christ’s Kingdom
- Marvellous are your works - Miniscule motors inside life
Light on a New World - Volume 23/2
- Editorial - Thoughts from the Olympic Games
- The Race for Life
- Genesis - Myth or Historical Record
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 6:
- Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
- From our mailbag - "Tithing"
- Parables of the Kingdom - The Nobleman from Luke 19:11-27
- Marvellous are your Works - Birds of the Air
Light on a New World - Volume 23/1
- Editorial - Never-ending Middle-East unrest = predicted
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 5:
The preaching of Philip
- Important Bible Words – Sin and Death
- Bible Characters – Esther
- What did Jesus mean? "It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle..."
- From our mailbag - "On this rock, I will build my church ..."
Light on a New World - Volume 22/6
- Editorial - Seven billion people and rising
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 4:
Stephen, the first Christian Martyr
- Bible Characters – Jonah - the reluctant prophet
- The Evolution Debate – Design or Chance?
Light on a New World - Volume 22/5
- What did Jesus mean? "... and being in torments in Hades"
- From our mailbag - Only the baptised are given eternal life.
What if you die before being baptised?
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 3: Persecution at Jerusalem
- Nations in Prophecy – Israel (Part 2)
Light on a New World - Volume 22/4
- The Development of the 1st Century Church, part 2: Events at Pentecost
- Important Bible Words – Faith
- Nations in Prophecy – Israel (Part 1)
- Marvellous are your Works - Bombardier beetle
Special Edition King James Bible 400th Anniversary - Volume 22/3
- Introduction to the King James Authored Bible
- What is the Bible? - a collection of books of different types
- The beginnings of the Bible - the inspired words of God
- Translating the Bible - from the available originals
- The English Translations - how we arrived at the KJV
- Can we trust the Bible? - evidence for its accuracy
- Reading the Bible - why it is important to do so and some hints & tips
Light on a New World - Volume 22/2
- Editorial - Middle East conflict is a sign of Christ's return
- Nations in Prophecy – The Arab Peoples
- Basic Bible Teaching – Jesus Christ - God or man?
- The Development of the 1st Century Church - part 1 - He has risen
- Christadelphian Beliefs - a summary
Light on a New World - Volume 22/1
- Editorial - 2011 a bleak year or one of hope?
- Bible Characters - Solomon part 2
- Important Bible Words - Hope
- What did Jesus mean? "Let the dead bury their own dead ..."
- English Translations of the Bible
- From our Mail Bag: Reward in heaven or hell punishment not scriptural
Light on a New World - Volume 21/12
- Bible Characters - Solomon
- ‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace,
good will towards men!’ - Luke 2.14
- Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Zealots
- Parables of Jesus - The Ten Virgins
Light on a New World - Volume 21/11
- Jerusalem – City of Peace?
- Important Bible Words – The Gospel
- What is True Baptism?
- From our Mail Bag - The role of women in the church
Light on a New World - Volume 21/10
- What did Jesus Mean by "The harvest is the end of the world"
- Christadelphian Beliefs
- Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Sadducees
- Bible Characters - James the Lord’s Brother
- What must I do to be saved?
- Marvellous are your works - Bird Navigation
Light on a New World - Volume 21/9
- Editorial - The folly of trusting in human leaders
rather than trusting God
- Parables of Jesus - The Sower
- Important Bible Words - Atonement
- Signs of the Times - A Broken Society
- The Bible Stands the Test of Time - The Cyrus Cylinder
Light on a New World - Volume 21/8
- Bible Characters - Simon Peter
- What did Jesus mean?
"In my Father's house are many mansions ..."
- Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Herodians
- Marvellous are Your Works - Colours Without Paint
Light on a New World - Volume 21/7
- Signs of the Times - Are you actually ready for the Kingdom?
- From our Mail Bag - Which law was changed with Jesus' arrival?
- Bible Teaching About - The Devil and Satan
- Getting Started with Bible Prophecy
Light on a New World - Volume 21/6
- Editorial - the real Christmas.
- Bible Teaching About ... The resurrection of Christ.
- Bible Characters - Mary Magdalene
- What did Jesus mean? "My kingdom is not of this world"
Light on a New World - Volume 21/5
- Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Samaritans
- Bible Teaching About - The Cross of Christ
- From our Mail Bag - baptism is total immersion in water
- Important Bible Words - Salvation
- Free Bible Correspondence Course
- Marvellous are Your Works - The Gecko
Light on a New World - Volume 21/4
- Editorial - 40th-anniversary issue of Light
- We started the same month as the Apollo moon landing
- Can we rely on the Bible? - The answer is, of course, yes
- What did Jesus mean by ‘Everlasting Punishment’?
- A Summary of Christadelphian Beliefs
- Bible Characters – Lot
Light on a New World - Volume 21/3
- Religious Groups in Bible Times - The Rabbi
- From our Mail Bag - About Lucifer
- Bible teaching about Miracles
- Belief and Baptism
- Marvellous are Your Works - The Spider
Light on a New World - Volume 21/2
- Three parables of Jesus - the cross, salt, and the lamp
- What did Jesus mean?
"Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man"
- Bible Teaching about - The Holy Spirit
- The Bible is Right - Divine authorship
Light on a New World - Volume 21/1
- Editorial - There is only one way
- Darwin’s Legacy - Has it stood the test of time?
- Is There Life after Death?
- Signs of the Times - Global Disasters
- The Bible is True - The Evidence of Archaeology
Light on a New World - Volume 20/12
- The Unknown God
- Bible Abbreviations
- What did Jesus Mean? ‘You must be born again’
- Marriage – Yes or No?
- Marvellous are your Works - the Human Body
Light on a New World - Volume 20/11
- Editorial - Economies
- Bible Teaching about:The Resurrection of Jesus
- Christianity and Capitalism
- God’s Witnesses
Light on a New World - Volume 20/10
- Parables of Jesus - The Two Builders
- What has gone wrong with the World?
- What did Jesus Mean? - ‘For great is your reward in heaven’
- Marvellous are Your Works - The kangaroo rat
Special Edition - Light on Israel - Volume 20/9
- A 60 page special issue
- Israel in the Past: Origin and Birth of a Nation
- Israel in the Past: Into the Promised Land Page
- Israel in the Present: Their Miraculous Survival
- Israel in the Present: A Nation Re-born Page
- Israel in the Future
Light on a New World - Volume 20/8
- Editorial - Easter
- Bible Teaching about - The Holy Spirit Gifts
- Why Being Good is Just Not Good Enough
- Bible Trades - The Tent Maker
Light on a New World - Volume 20/7
- Editorial - metamorphosis
- A Healthy Diet - Spiritual Food
- Bible Teaching about: The Mediatorship of Christ
- From our Mail Bag: "You are gods?”
- Bible Characters: Ezra and Nehemiah
- "Marvellous are your Works"
Light on a New World - Volume 20/6
- Editorial: Can men solve International issues?
- The Wisdom of Solomon - part 3
- The promises to David
- Customs in Bible Times: Anointing with Oil
Light on a New World - Volume 20/5
- Editorial: The Beauty of the rainbow
- Important Bible Words: Light
- Bible Characters: Noah
- Was the devil or Satan disguised as the serpent
in the garden of Eden?
- The Rosetta Stone
- A Summary of Christadelphian Beliefs
Light on a New World - Volume 20/4
- Editorial: Green Issues
- Signs of the Times - Our changing environment
- Bible teaching about: The Kingdom of God
- Parables of Jesus: The Good Samaritan
Light on a New World - Volume 20/3
- Editorial: World Leadership
- Bible teaching about: The Nature of Christ
- The Wisdom of Solomon - part 2
- Important Bible Words: Grace
- "You are my friends if " What did Jesus Mean?
Light on a New World - Volume 20/2
- Editorial: The Total Eclipse
- Parables of Jesus: the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- Does it matter what you believe?
- Bible teaching about: The problem of suffering
- Birds of the Bible: The Peacock
Light on a New World - Volume 20/1
- The Wisdom of Solomon - part 1
- Bible Course Advertisement
- Bible Characters: Elijah
- Bible Trades: The Potter
Light on a New World - Volume 19/12
- Signs of the Times: Europe in Bible Prophecy
- Bible teaching about: The Devil and Satan
- What did Jesus mean? "Have salt in yourselves"
- From our mailbag: Who or what is Lucifer?
- Plants of the Bible: Frankincense
Light on a New World - Volume 19/11
- Signs of the Times: Iran: nuclear power for peace?
- Selected Christadelphian Beliefs
- What did Jesus mean? "‘Seek first the kingdom of God"
- Bible Characters: Moses
- Birds of the Bible: The Ostrich
Light on a New World - Volume 19/10
- Sign of the Times: The Final Energy Crisis
- What does the Bible say about: Belief and Baptism
- Bible Trades Page: The Metal Worker
Light on a New World - Volume 19/9
- Editorial: Water
- Bible Characters: Jacob and Esau
- The Law of Moses: Sacrifice
- Bible Animals: The Ass or Donkey
Light on a New World - Volume 19/8
- God is there
- What did Jesus mean? "before Abraham was, I Am"
- Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son
- From our mailbag: "Is one religion as good as another?"
Light on a New World - Volume 19/7
- Editorial: "It’s a sign of the times"
- Signs of the Times: The Middle East - Peace or War?
- The Ten Commandments: Its relevance today
- What the Bible says about: The Gospel message of Jesus
Light on a New World - Volume 19/6
- International problems: World Poverty
- Parables of Jesus: The Pounds
- What must I do to be saved?
- Bible Cities: Nazareth
Light on a New World - Volume 19/5
- What the Bible says about The Devil and Satan
- From our Mail Bag: Do you believe that there will be such
a person and if not what is meant by the term Antichrist?
- What did Jesus mean: "If anyone comes to me and does not
hate his father and mother ... he cannot be my disciple."
- Plants of the Bible: Common Acacia
Light on a New World - Volume 19/4
- International problems: Human Suffering
- Who are the Angels?
- Bible teaching about: The Second Coming of Christ
- Animals of the Bible: The Leopard
Special Edition - Light on Prophecy - Volume 19/3
- What is prophecy?
- The prophets in their historical setting
- God’s plan in prophecy
- Iran in prophecy
- Greece in prophecy
- Rome in prophecy
- Israel in prophecy
- The coming world conflict
- What about your future?
Light on a New World - Volume 19/2
- Editorial: Easter
- International problems: Global Warming and Pollution
- The Cross of Christ
- The Reality of The Resurrection of Christ
- Plants of the Bible: The Almond
Light on a New World - Volume 19/1
- The Bible (6) - Reading the Bible
- Bible Characters: David
- The Law of Moses - its relevance today: The Sabbath
- Bible Cities: Lachish